WorldPride 2019
Role: Creative Director
It was estimated that around 5 million people would attend WorldPride in New York City. This was an opportunity to let the world know who GLAAD is. I wanted to stick to classic GLAAD branding and tell the story of the organization’s role in the modern LGBTQ liberation movement in all of the assets that would be forward facing.
As the Creative Director, my role was to create the overall look and feel of Pride at GLAAD, create a float concept, parade give-away items and social content.
Parade Float
I wanted a float that focused on telling the story of GLAAD and amplified the brand in a streamlined way that did not rely on the typical rainbow. The first piece of the puzzle was designing and fabricating a float that did not shy away from putting GLAAD front and center. We created a custom wall paper that highlighted high-impact moments from GLAAD’s history. We then fabricated a 20ft tall, 3D logo amplifier to anchor both sides of the float.
Graphic Design: Dustin Hood / Float Production: ThinkBox Media / Float Fabrication: Mobile Stage Network
Giveaway Items
For the giveaway items for parade attendees, we created award show-esque press credentials, informational palm cards and flags to hand out. These materials included information about GLAAD and the work the organization does.
Graphic Design: Dustin Hood

Stonewall 50th
World Pride 2019 coincided with the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising. In addition to the parade, we wanted to create resources for journalists and the general public to learn about the history of the Stonewall Uprising and its impact on the LGBTQ movement into the modern day.
Stonewall 50: A Journalist’s Guide Book
We created a guidebook that covers several topics: story ideas when covering Stonewall 50, a history of the Stonewall Inn, an overview of significant events in the modern LGBTQ movement, and a focused discussion on the issues the LGBTQ movement faces today-- both in the USA and around the world.
Read here:
Graphic design: Rodolfo Mustafe
Stonewall 50: Social Video
To accompany the guidebook, we also created a short viral video that used archival images and audio to show the timeline of LGBTQ liberation movement.
View here: